Change-Maker Summit




The change-maker summit was a series of online events that took place across November 2020 connecting 30 young people from Manchester to In Place of War’s network of change makers from across the globe. The young people helped curate and lead parts of the programme as well as attending all sessions to learn/share skills,  experiences and insights. Parts of the summit were recorded and streamed to In Place of War and festival platforms (Sim Sao Paulo) to reach a global audience.



The summit aimed to:


  • Create a new connected network of social activists from the Global South and Manchester communities.
  • Provide a space for general knowledge exchange and sharing of insights into contexts and methodologies.
  • Provide workshops on arts based social activism.
  • Share artistic responses to the COVID crisis from local and global contexts.
  • Host debates and discussions on the role of the arts as a pathway for community mobilisation and locally driven social change
  • Share some of the tools  being used resolve community challenges in times of COVID from across the globe.
  • Tackle other issues that have arisen during the pandemic for example mental health issues / domestic abuse.



The panels, talks, films and music took place over 4 weeks and they were live streamed and open to all at (via Twitch), or on In Place of War Facebook Live. People could then interact by typing questions in the comments box on either platform, or via the whatsapp group.